Monday, May 21, 2012

The Top Five Mistakes Franchisors Make in Implementing CRM Technology

If you search Google or any other search engine on the internet for the term "CRM" you are likely to see more than 100 vendors offering CRM technology as the end-all and be-all solution to solving all your company's aches and pains, along with a lot of paid advertisements for the latest and greatest vendors to hit the market. While these vendors are readily spending millions on advertising, they have little to say on their company websites as to how to successfully implement CRM solutions to meet the needs of your business. Couple this with the number of companies reporting failures in their CRM initiatives of 60-70% of companies polled, we felt compelled to share our experience from the last 20 years designing and implementing numerous CRM-like solutions across a large number of industries, and bring you the following list of the biggest mistakes that we have seen:

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